Private cloud and public cloud: what are the differences?

Professionals or individuals, you need to store your important data in a secure place, which will allow you to easily access it, to share it as well. If the external hard drive solution can be considered, it is nevertheless preferable to turn to a more secure and reliable method, for example the Cloud. This is a dematerialized space on a server that will host your various documents. You can access it via your computer, tablet or smartphone, and authorize its access to your employees, friends or family members. There are two types of Clouds, private and public. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? We talk to you about it.

The private cloud

When we talk about a private cloud, we mean one or more servers that are entirely dedicated to you. You will be able to store all the data that is important there.

What is that ?

As part of a business, this is an opportunity to centralize folders and other files accessible to your employees. The private cloud can be hosted internally, from a server of your own, or in a data center.

Today, companies providing external storage services provide you with ample storage capacity and features to meet your needs. As a result, you then have the opportunity to choose a type of server that suits you, the power suited to your use, as well as an optimal maintenance service. However, it comes at a cost.


If we recommend the private cloud solution to companies, it is because of the adaptability of this solution. Indeed, you will easily find a Cloud that meets the different needs of your company, this flexibility is definitely an advantage for you. However, it can also be considered by individuals, who wish to secure documents or personal files. The other advantage? The price does not depend on the amount of data you are going to transfer.

Of course, this is the most effective way to protect your resources as well. Unlike the public cloud, which we will see a little later in this guide, these will not be accessible to other users, except your employees to whom you will give (or not) access to this storage space. You yourself own the server.


You know, nothing is perfect. Also, the private cloud suffers from a few drawbacks to take into account when choosing a data storage method. This is a less efficient space when it is saturated with information. In addition, it represents a certain cost, which not all companies will be able to afford. Also, it would be good to request multiple quotes, in order to compare prices and opt for a server that meets your budget as well as your needs.

The public cloud

The public cloud, also called shared cloud, is based on servers that will be shared between several users. It nevertheless offers services similar to the private cloud.

What is that ?

While the public cloud is by no means a storage space accessible to all users, it involves server sharing, which limits its level of security. If this is the solution that many individuals choose, because it is less expensive than the dedicated version, companies also make this choice, because of the size of the infrastructures and the unlimited number of files that it is possible to use.

This method is also motivated by a much cheaper price. Indeed, the public cloud is chargeable only when you transfer files to it. Also, the more you use it, the more it costs you. It also means that whatever your needs, the cloud can adapt by providing you with ample storage space.

This is definitely an advantage for professionals, even if this solution implies less security and less data protection. So what are the pros and cons of the public cloud? We are talking to you about it now.


Since this type of Cloud does not require the installation of a physical server at home or in your company, nor the rental of a private space in a data center, it becomes much more financially accessible.

We also mentioned that no matter what your storage volume needs are, the public cloud can adapt easily. It is therefore a solution that can be recommended to both professionals and individuals.


The first negative point that we can cite is obviously the lack of public cloud security. Even though cases of data breaches are rare, they do exist. It will therefore be necessary to adopt good practices, such as encryption of information for example.

Over time, usage becomes expensive because the more files you have stored in the cloud, the higher the price will be. Also, it is not a technology that can support software for professionals, although some vendors do offer it to you.

So… which one will you choose?